He was the first to tag whale sharks in the Caribbean with satellite tags. From Honduras, Alex moved on to study sharks in Mexico and the Galapagos Islands. Recently, he initiated an acoustic-telemetry program to study scalloped hammerhead sharks at Cocos Island, Costa Rica. This research is ongoing with PRETOMA of Costa Rica with plans to tag more sharks. Dr. Antoniou also works in Mexico. In 2008 he helped to tag white sharks with acoustic transmitters and also helped deploy acoustic receivers for data collection. The work in Mexico also includes the first tagging of sharks at the Revillagigedo Islands south of Cabo San Lucas. During an expedition in 2008 and one in 2009, a total of 17 sharks were tagged, including scalloped hammerheads and Galapagos sharks. Since then over 100 sharks have been tagged. The data from this research project is already beginning to collect valuable information that will hopefully lead to increased protection at these remote islands. The research is continuing with more plans to tag white sharks at Guadalupe Island and hammerhead sharks at Revillagigedo. Alex has a passion for shark research and shark conservation around the world. in 2010 Alex founded Fins Attached: Marine Research and Conservation, a non-profit organization based in Colorado Springs. He feels that more people need to become engaged in protecting these magnificent and valuable creatures. Becoming educated about sharks is the first step. |